Thursday, July 2, 2009


Gov. Mark Sanford has done so much for South Carolina. He managed to block the police-state Real ID program that the feds tried to force upon us. He has saved the taxpayers millions and millions of dollars. He has fought the jaded, vampiric, destructive, irresponsible majority in the Legislature. For these reasons and others, Gov. Sanford should remain in office to serve out the term that the people of South Carolina elected him to serve.

Also, whoever stole 
Mark Sanford’s personal emails and whoever publishes those emails are scum. I am assuming that there will be investigations into possible criminality in regard to the theft and publishing of these emails, as well as investigations into the political motivations behind these offensive actions. I would also encourage Gov. Sanford to take whatever legal action he so desires regarding these vile and reckless invasions of his privacy.

Mark Syverson

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