Catch today’snewest episode of Waking Up Orwell featuring a NASHUP or News Mashup with Lady Gaga, Dylan Rattigan, Ron Paul and sound bites from the film The Best Government Money Can Buy.
BTC--SEATTLE, WA --According to Canadian press outlets, plans to unveill a Beyond The Borders trilateral security proposal featuring a 30 point plan was deferred to a later date in December, 2011. Previous discussions of a secured continental perimeter included: a US-Canadian fence, expanded exchanges of intelligence and shared citizen identity data, including but not limited to a demand for biometric identity at the borders.
Press records show very little coverage specifics of the continental Security Perimeter meetings anywhere else in the world other than Canada. Notices of public input and press advisories issued by the United States government have not been covered by conventional US media outlets. Nevertheless, Canada’s Post-Leader reported US Customs and Border Patrol administration states 3 out of 4 Americans agree with the proposal and there is bi-partisan support from the US Congress.
To date, the only available port of public input is through Canadian based Beyond The Border’s working group. Toronto protests in the Spring of 2011evolved as a response to Harper’s early closure of public input and refusal of grievances over earlier draft proposals. Public input was later extended to Canadians until June 3rd, 2011.