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The sounds of a jungle cat revolution. |
"Wildlife in the region rely on open corridors and do not recognize human generated boundaries..."
BTC - Unless you are really really sensitive to any relationship between Real ID and the border fence ecology you may have wondered about the whole "ocelot" avatar association on my twitterfeed. It's the only place I didn't add the circle-slash on RFID icon. Most of the REDUX blog entries come as a comprehensive overture from tweets; which topped 1,000 today with CEI's arguments on Arizona's SB 1070. It's still more in number than the public comments on the NSTIC forum.
There is yet another layer and another dimension to the injustice of the Real ID Act.
According the Animal Welfare Institute:
"U.S. border policy dramatically changed in 2005 with the passage of the REAL ID Act. Section 102 of this legislation gives the Department of Homeland Security the unprecedented power to waive in their entirety all local, state and federal laws that might interfere with the construction of infrastructure along the borders, including landmark laws enacted to protect the environment, historical sites and public health and safety. "In earlier assertions, the powers reserved to borders states are still relevant until it you hit the border wall.
Pygmy owls, toads, black tailed prairie dogs, jaguars, and ocelots can't overcome the border fence. Meanwhile, a clever Mexican can jump it with the help of a coyote.
Rep. Grijalva (D-AZ) wants to push forward with a legislation called the CIR ASAP, which would strip out section 102 C of the Real ID Act; which erects the useless, destructive and lazy excuse for border protection known as the border wall fence. Comprehensive Immigration Reform right now is still in the idea phase and what's currently dangerous about it is that they want to give every American worker a biometric identity card - which is not an improvement from the Real ID Act.
What we do know is that civil libertarians are not the only ones who want to see the Real ID Act or at least parts of it repealed...
To prevent further degradation, it is imperative that any immigration bill that passes repeals section 102 of the REAL ID Act, restores the precious ecosystems throughout the borderlands and replaces the current strategy with one based on comprehensive analyses and consultation.
REDUX 7/23: Here's second life for news that matters:
Political Appointees Vetted DHS Public Records Requests
NYPD brass says stop-and-frisk records aren't dead: just use paper, not computers
About those wiretapps...Certified Lies: Big Brother In Your Browser
UK's database state is the "fat" getting trimmed [You're next D.C.!]
Washington reacts to 'Top Secret America' revelations
Wal-Mart Radio Tags to Track Clothing [BEAT THE CHIPs on the CLEARANCE rack.]
Class Suit Against Orlando's Red Light Cams Begins
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