Monday, August 9, 2010

The lost FLOGGER files

BTC -  The dust settled and as we were looking for other things, we discovered that there were more  national ID writings in the Cato @ Liberty digital tome written by Jim Harper that didn't get a second chance on this blog.  He writes on loads of privacy/tech angles as well.

After all the swearing and dusty fumbling we found these:

Here's the lost podcast with Chris Calabrese.
I'm sure it will be good if you can get Cato's media player to actually work.

To keep other important work like THIS from falling through the cracks, please see our blogroll which is linked to Harper's Cato@Liberty blog.  There is also an  RSS tag so you can subscribe to.

1 comment:

sanakhan said...

Does anyone know where I can find really hardcore technical information about smart cards?. I'm doing a report for the company I'm working for so it's kinda important.
smart card