Wednesday, April 27, 2011

REDUX: Poll: 60% Reject Government ID for Online Security [NSTIC]

BTC - Thanks to Freedom's Phoenix.


SEE ALSO: Rasmussen Poll shows 60%Reject Government ID for Online Security [NSTIC]

Digital ID News: The US isn't ready for NSTIC & It's all in the implementation


Anonymous said...

You guys are interesting. The Rasmussen poll had nothing to do with NSTIC. They asked people a couple of loaded questions that didn't reflect anything that was in the NSTIC. Like "would you be in favor of sharing all of your online banking and shopping info with the government?" Well duh, no, of course not...No wonder everybody is opposed if you frame it like that. Of course, none of that is in NSTIC. But fearmongering begets fearmongering.

Beat The Chip said...

I think the problem is that we have existing privacy and identity abuses happening simultaneously commercially and in government. The atmosphere of distrust and skepticism for the user is not going to magically clear up because the US government has a new idea. It hasn't recovered basic and successive liberty lost to the Patriot Act and the Real ID Act. The fact is the US people are STILL being burned NOW by the current policy or strategy for handling ID. There is simply no "trust" in the US public-private cache left.