Saturday, October 25, 2008


Beat The Chip is proud to announce a radio magazine version of this blog, called Waking Up Orwell. The show will be available canned or in retrospect of being aired live on the 5-11 Campaign's website - mainly because I can upload player media and do archiving, as the technology allows.

Waking Up Orwell will air Thursdays 2:30- 3:00 PM on (for online listeners) CST.

The first show will feature some local DPS news and a talk with Naomi Wolf  a constitutional progressive who is exploding at the seams with content.  She is playing a key role as a supporting activist in the American Freedom Agenda- a legislative effort penned by Rep. Ron Paul.  In this episode we spend time discussing Wolf's new film directed by Avram Ludwig, inspired by her book and talk series, The End of America AND her new book Give Me Liberty: A Handbook for American Revolutionaries.
At the end of the show we feature an unlikely compatriot in the struggle to stop Real ID, Lisa Scheps of theTransgender Education Network of Texas (formerly Transgender Advocates of Central Texas (TACT).  She is a founding member and current Board Chair of TENT was instrumental in getting Gender Identity added to the City of Austin’s Human Rights Ordinance. Not limiting her advocacy to Queer issues, she was appointed by Mayor Will Wynn to serve on The City of Austin Human Rights Commission and was recently elected as Vice Chair.  She also had a LOT to say about what is being required from persons who are pulled over whose license doesn't match what is in front of them and Real ID.

For a preview of the show please visit and click on the bottom tab that says WAKING UP ORWELL for a preview of the show.

For show or podcast ideas, please contact .

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