Thursday, July 26, 2012

What's more dangerous? RFID or supporting Amnesty Intnl on trade conflict

BTC Commentary --  Today I read a headline at Chris Corum's, RFID news:

"The Wall Live tour promotes human rights with RFID"

There are so many ideas going on in this headline. Roger Water's heading up a human right's benefit is a good thing. (Ordinarily, yes.) Pink Floyd's show planners glomming onto Intellitix data savagery by using RFID in concergoer bracelets. (That's more of the "opt-in" brand of data slavery, of course. Bad.) Putting 'RFID' and 'Human Rights' in the same sentence seems like an anomalous occasion that makes absolutely no sense. Until of course, as you read farther down, it says plainly "The Wall" as presented is a Human Rights benefit for Amnesty International.

Sadly, it all began to make sense.

OR You can reblog my notes on Amnesty International's armed interventionist meddling at my overflow blog, Godzilla Government.

For more analysis on "democratic interventionist trade policy", we turn to the musical illustrations of the Chemical Brothers.

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