Wednesday, August 6, 2008


Privacy and Civil Liberties May Swing Votes 
Letter from  BTC Editorial 

The Bush adminstration has earned a bad reputation with the American people for railroading civil liberties during his two terms in office. 

Bush says things like, " The Constitution is just a piece of paper."  

Please refer to any one of the following:  Guantanamo Bay, The Patriot Act, nullification of Posse Comitatus, Habeas Corpus, commuting Scooter Libby, abuse of "Executive Privelege", use of rendition and torture on the taxpayer dime, threat and intimidation on irrelevant basis of Continuity of Government, FISA and our favorite new Big Brother- The Real ID Act of 2005. The Executive Branch has had tremendous cooperation from the U.S. Congress and the Senate in doing its savaging deeds of unconstitutionality.   Please also refer to 15 attempts to impeach this President on Constitutional basis.  

The Constitution is the only U.S. entitled document standing between the average American and fascism.  This is one of the most challenging times in the U.S. History for those who have rights but will have to fight fresh for them.

Since the Constitution is no small deal to most Americans, it has become, sadly enough, a key issue which candidate can actually uphold the Constitution. and most poli-bloggers will be watching the competitive race for the Presidential seat.   We need a President who has some American genome remaining that prizes the liberty of the common American, who won't look the other way at injustice and spend billions of tax dollars on "hush-up" operations and prison facilities designed for dissenting U.S. citizens.   We need an someone with an allegiance to The United States of America; not the vastly declining U.S. dollar and a strategic oil hitch.  We need a President with some ownership of their identity as an American who wants their citizenship in this country to hold true what what the Constitution has in store and knows that they too and their children will inherit our fate.  No more shortsighted policies for the highest bidder.
The Center for Democracy and Technology created an Executive letter to oppose the state-to-federal mandate of Real ID's.  and  many other active voices against Real ID ask that you adapt a version of this letter and send it to your Presidential Candidate of choice. It wouldn't hurt to send it to President Bush either.  You may gauge their response to your letters and decide how to vote from there.

We look forward to the November elections.  May the best American win.

The Presidential Candidates on our radar is as follows: 

Please write in your findings to :  We love to hear from you.

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