Tuesday, October 9, 2012

REDUX: Computerized National Identity Cards closes border, allowing only tech adopters

c/o Geo Pakistan

ISLAMABAD: Minister for Interior, Rehman Malik on Tuesday directed that Red Zone area be extended till Embassy Road immediately and its entry be allowed only to authorize persons having valid Computerized National Identity Card (CNIC) which will be verified on the spot.

Here is second life for news that matters:  


Monday, October 8, 2012


c/o WND 

Superintendent issues warning: 'There will be consequences' for not submitting

Brushing aside privacy concerns by parents and civil rights activists, a Texas school district has gone live with a controversial program requiring all students to wear a locator radio chip that will enable officials to track their every move – or face expulsion. At the beginning of the school year students at John Jay High School and Anson Jones Middle School within the Northside Independent School District were told their old student ID badges were no longer valid. During registration they were required to obtain new badges containing a radio frequency identification tracker chip.

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Everify authorizations in Public Law 112-176

c/o Washington Watch
"There’s Public Law 112-176, which reauthorized—that means “extended the life of”—the EB-5 Regional Center Program, the E-Verify Program, the Special Immigrant Nonminister Religious Worker Program, and the Conrad State 30 J-1 Visa Waiver Program."

Secure ID News - Driver licenses and Internet IDs

BTC - AAMVA's Geoff Slagle, tells Secure ID news the highway safety group has worked with DHS c/o the Real ID Act for the last 7 years. They are set to move federal and bimetric ID requirements online in the CSDII - Cross Sector Digital Identity Initiaitive as an awardee for an NTSIC pilot.

c/o Secure ID News
"In some media reports the National Strategy for Trusted Identities in Cyberspace has been referred to as an Internet driver license so the fact that an association that represents issuers of those documents may seem like a no brainer. Regarding ID’s Gina Jordan spoke with Geoff Slagle, director of identity management at the American Association of Motor Vehicle Administrators about the pilot. AAMVA will lead a group of private industry and government partners to implement and pilot the Cross Sector Digital Identity Initiative. The goal of this initiative is to produce a secure online identity ecosystem that will lead to safer transactions by enhancing privacy and reducing the risk of fraud in online commerce."

5-11 Campaign Reboots to Challenge National Online Identity Initiative

Campaign resumes to address emerging national ID schemes online

BTC Sponsored Content 

SEATTLE - The 5-11 Campaign, a public awareness watchdog on national identity schemes and data surveillance, will resume effort to campaign against public interest threats posed by White House Initiative National Strategy for Trusted Identity in Cyberspace or NSTIC.

“We are looking past the demands of previous campaigning to address analog actors in the public and private sector moving national ID schemes online. It’s a new day for national ID.”

NSTIC, a public private global federated ID policy encourages users to voluntarily aggregate nationalised or government issued ID into technologies prone to warrantless government surveillance: smart phones, various handheld mobile computing devices, and social networks with histories of making surveillance concessions to governments to monitor dissent, censor or police the Internet.  

“Your passport is not something the digital world or surveillance industries have access to unless you give it to them.  Mass adoption of nationalized identity articles into a Facebook authentication login could give a motivated hacker keys to your kingdom. If Facebook, or anyone else in the digital authentication chain, changes their privacy or identity handling policies ad hoc, the user suffers.  Add static biometric identifiers into an online identity credential like: DNA, iris scans or fingerprints and you are looking at either a very convenient dossier for prying government agencies or a very tempting prospect for concentrating identity thieves,” says Sheila Dean, spokesperson for the 5-11 Campaign.