Friday, September 11, 2009

AZ Moves towards permanent DHS checkpoint

This is from Freedom's Phoenix

Terry Bressi
Website: Checkpoint USA
Roadblock Revelations
Date: 09-10-2009
Subject: Arizona's Top News

Before continuing, it should be noted the intent of the Border Patrol and the Department of Homeland Security has always been to force a permanent checkpoint down the throats of Southern Arizonans regardless of the level of public outcry or the conclusions of the GAO report:

Homeland Security Chooses Site For Illegal Drug Checkpoint:

"The agency said it will wait to make a decision about the permanent checkpoint until the group's findings are released but countered that, from the Border Patrol's perspective, the work group wasn't formed to debate permanent checkpoints but rather to get input about ways to make it most effective, Fitzpatrick said.

'The Border Patrol is in the business of border security,' Fitzpatrick said. 'We've been doing this for 83 years. That's our job. We're the experts on this.'"

Perhaps this is one of the reasons why the GAO report is so obviously biased in favor of establishing the checkpoint, even to the point of ignoring some of its own findings and purposefully limiting the scope of the study.

Back to the actual meeting, Checkpoint USA was on hand to record the meeting and is now making it available to the general public. This is part 3 and highlights a presentation on the GAO report by Richard Stana with the Government Accountability Office (GAO). :::MORE HERE:::

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