Monday, September 13, 2010

REDUX: Craigslist, RFID, FLA on Real ID, ICAO

Here is second life for news that matters:

By now everyone, should have heard about the use of RFID in school clothing. It looks as if building ducts could be adding to the lists of unintended consequences towards surveillance advantage.

The perception out there is that Florida has a tendency to lay down and take whatever the surveillance or police state dishes out.  But then you see the outrage:

I was in utter shock I finally at my wits end on how difficult it was to just renew my drivers license! So I said; “I can’t believe this, Here I have all kinds of proof of who I am and I can’t get my license renewed!” I did not shout this, but my voice was raised a bit in utter shock over this whole insane situation! Then what topped it off is the other woman working next to her asked; “Do you NEED ASSISTANCE over there?” It was said as a threat to me!!!!! That did it, I said; “Just Screw Driving, I have had it!” She kept typing at the computer. I then reigned in my emotions and tightly said: “May I have all my documents please.” She didn’t say anything so again I said “May I have all my documents, Please.” She then told me she was inputting them into the computer so it is there if I come back. She then printed off a sheet and handed me everything and I left.
I was so upset and in total disbelief on how hard it was to get a stupid license renewed when if I did not have the CDL on there to begin with I could have renewed ONLINE without a shred of evidence of who I was!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

The letter below has been sent to ALL Florida Representatives and Senators! When will you say enough is enough? I have and will no longer play the political 2 party game! I’m Done With IT! The email addresses to all Florida Legislators are posted below the letter. A link to the Florida Against the Real ID Act site is at the very bottom.
 It is important to note whenever Floridians get up the gall to reverse the tides concerning liberty.

WORTH THE FIGHT:  The FTC is looking into a law to prohibit online tracking.

MORE ICAO POLICY LAUNDERING: DHS has gone international in their disregard for privacy as a human right. c/o Papers Please 

PUBLIC INPUT:  EPIC wants to document your experiences and stories with TSA's "adult" body scanners. c/o Loss of Privacy  

EPIC's is also doing more to root out the truth on what's going on with that Google/NSA partnership. That part about Google makes me feel unlucky today.

Don't you think you'll need it after reading this?
WIRED slide:

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