Wednesday, October 13, 2010


BTC - Waking Up Orwell should be pre-empted for the rest of October due to professional commitments during the 2010 midterm election season.  We will let you know if we can sneak one in. The elections have also sucked up the bandwidth for this blog most of this week.  It's a roll of the die as to when BTC will actively blog before November.  Watch for my tweets @BeatTheChip .

(So what is it exactly that is eating up blogtime?  Here's a mental picture for you:  think of a little person trying to scale the Great Wall of Washington.  Not enough?  Here's another illustration.)

I apologize once again for lack of availability, reporting.  November will be here soon enough.  These times are transformative and important enough to have directed my political and professional involvements towards direct engagement in electoral politics.

Here are a few important visuals to stimulate your critical thinking skills:

"What were you doing at the time when it mattered?"  Steven Greenhut

FRONTLINE: The Warning  (Help me with this puzzle: how can you run the Federal Reserve and  honestly claim to be an Ayn Rand disciple? HINT: GREENSPAN TRIED.)

The OTHER PLUNDER! ( a film by Danny Shechter)

Please remember to VOTE for anyone but the incumbent come NOVEMBER.

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