Monday, June 6, 2011

New tagless RFIDs & tracking ingestibles go beyond The Chip

Pill (pellet) tracking could be a part of a dystopian future for identity

BTC -   It might be time to upgrade our approach.  It looks as if the database state is evolving and beating the RFID chip on its own.  The "chip" as we have known it will reach obsolesence soon as it moves to tags without microchips.   However, that has not ended the quest for tracking information from inside of your body.

Yes.  We have the technology to track what you eat.  However, according to Endgadget, there are currently no reports on how the tags' surveillance will survive hydrochloric acids and the post-digestive process. See below...


If there was a technology that could survive digestion, would you dare eat it in the first place?  Some of the first lessons we learn in life on planet earth is that we don't eat products like pennies and plastic junk.  From a practical standpoint, RFIDs are not food.  The jury may still be out on whether or not RFID technology is safe to ingest in pellet forms.   Just because they created a neat invention doesn't mean it's safe to use; look at cellphones.

The upside is, if this RFID works well, it could really help health diagnostics and scientific research to expand its understanding of our internal workings.  The downside goes towards the dark shadowy corners with questions like, why would anyone want to put a data surveillance tag in my food?  Data surveillance may simply be a flat or 2D view of this side of the biotechnological divide.  For the advanced or imagined role for the vision and societal placement where ingestible RFIDs fit, we go to the world of film.  Here the examples of ingestible tracking devices manifest as medicine, in identity politics and human rights.

Several films explore the pratfalls of biotech surveillance in pill form, but Code 46 fits the longterm scenario best.  In Code 46, behavioral overrides and genetic adjustments are ingested in pill form or are injected. Papelles, or biometric identity and insurance documents, are issued based on genetic predisposition and class distinctions. A black market for papelles evolves.  The plot revolves around attaining passable identity called "covers" to escape the harsh, unprotected life of an ecologically barren wasteland, home to the struggling underclassed, criminals and DNA rejects in exile. Code 46's dystopian society utilizes human cloning and subsequently surveils the consequences of clandestine romance through an alarming viral technology to prevent unconscious inbreeding.


In realtime, or today's science breakthroughs, scientists can now build complicated silicon DNA molecules to completely replace or augment "faulty" genetic structures.  You may eventually be able to insert a nano-RFID into an RNA strand.  If you are both a scientist and a eugenics scholar you might justify deleting faulty genetic code or human genetic "garbage".   If this becomes public policy or governance then employees may be altered to fit the companies they work for or governments may ask citizens to make a few mandatory adjustments so the desirables have and the undesirables don't.

The complicated legal fight over DNA identity has more to do with empowering a single true identifier which becomes inescapable if placed in the hands of government.  DNA currently falls into the biometric category of identity.   DNA, as genetic science industry,  falls into on a dangerous range of expertise to improve or adversely affect humanity depending on whether the tinkering gets out of hand. SEE: Isle of Dr. Moreau.

That's a long drive away from the little RFID tag, but it gives you a window into the kind of future where the strawberry you ate at work today at 11:59 AM will be used in a Human Resources meeting tomorrow.

It is difficult to say for sure whether or not we can trust a future where we examine the food we eat for privacy reasons.

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