Saturday, February 4, 2012

WEEKEND REDUX: Do You Like Online Privacy? You May Be a Terrorist & REAL ID Updates in the States

BTC -  Here's a weekend edition of Redux. just think of this as a news casserole of all the great leftovers from this weeks news diet.

Here is second life for news that matters:

Do you like online privacy?  You might be labeled a terrorist by the FBI @Slashot

New Mexico is seeking repeal of a 2003 law some locals claim give licenses to illegal immigrants.  Some volley that by repealing this law it would clear obstacles for New Mexico to be more compliant with the Real ID Act.  Conflicted rhetoric abounds, as the state legal battle attempts to address domestic immigration policy.
"Critics of the current licensing law, including Rep. Cathrynn Brown, R-Carlsbad, said it could prevent New Mexico from complying with the federal Real ID Act. In turn, this could create hardships for law-abiding New Mexicans, such as having to have a passport to board a plane."
Real ID, a law attached as a 2005 rider in a "must pass" appropriations bill [not unlike the NDAA], is  considered immigration law in part but is not responsible to hinder or promote license permits to undocumented immigrants.  Real ID regulations are banned in over 25 US States for costs, privacy & security flaws as well as an earned reputation for being an American national ID program.

Rep. Lamar Smith, co-sponsor of unpopular legislation like SOPA, HR 418 (Real ID), HR 1981, an E-Verify mandate bill, and the DMCA continues to receive heat from a digital campaign taken up at social networking sitc The campaign promotes the unseating of Smith for crossing the interests of Internet businesses, investors and privacy advocates. Election options for voters are being further complicated by redistricting in Texas. D-21 2012 elections and voting in Lubbock, TX may be delayed due to a Supreme Court decision; which refused electorate lines drawn by a federal court justice.

A few South Carolina Senators are questioning driver's license renewal policies, for moving the state towards incorporation of the federal Real ID Act, claiming active duty military servicemen were being denied licenses over birth certificate verification.
"[Acting] Gov. Joe Manchin ordered the division to begin incorporating the provisions of the act several years ago. Some conservative members of the Legislature attempted to block the implementation in 2009, but failed." - SC Division of Motor Vehicles Commissioner Joe Miller
The State of South Carolina was a key "battleground" state in 2008 resistance to the Real ID Act.  Implementation delays and backlogs are expected to be felt around the state.

The Bill of Rights Defense Committee, Downsize DC and the Tenth Amendment Center have gotten together on a campaign using the 10th Amendment to resist the NDAA. State constituencies were asked to resist anticipated consequences to Americans over the passage of the NDAA FY 2012 during a national day of protest Friday, Feb. 3 2012.  Downsize DC claims the new law has the potential to enforce "federal kidnapping".  According to the Tenth Amendment Center, backlash from Real ID proved States will use the power of the 10th Amendment to nullify terms of bad or coercive lawmaking in Washington DC.

Muddling of lines between drivers licensing, identity and voting continue to be an issue for voters across the country.

Springfield Leaders Come Out Swinging Against E-Verify Initiative
c/o;  More on the Springfield Mayor's news conference here.

Kentucky bill would require governments, contractors to use E-Verify

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