Friday, January 25, 2013

"Waiting For REAL ID? Take a Seat, It'll Be a While"

BTC - I don't often give to pro-Real ID interest coverage or perspective. However, if you're smart, like this writer, he included the facts and some avant garde whining sounds coming from the DMV tchotchke dealers due to the can kicking.  [NO SOUP FOR YOU!]

c/o Robert Charette at IEEE Spectrum
"The pleasure of watching the endless tug of war over federal (unfunded) mandates versus states’ rights exposed by the REAL ID act is compounded by the risible and ever-changing cost estimates to the states of implementing it. Sensenbrenner originally estimated (i.e., pulled out of the air if not another place) that the cost to change state department of motor vehicle computer systems would be about $2 million per state over 5 years, or $100 million overall. The Congressional Budget Office, sharing the same fantasy, generally concurred, estimating that it would be closer to $120 million over the 5 years total."


We honor the great contribution of civil liberties advocate and analyst at the Hit Parader Institute to cover the nuances of State-to-Federal relations and Real ID.  Comes complete with hissing in stereo.  And I do mean stereo - not iPod.

Great thanks to our homies at the Tenth Amendment Center. Tell Boldin to bring his cowbell.

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